We're back from our week of crazy dog nonsense in Orlando, and I'm throwing myself into all things AH! in an effort to get caught up.
UPDATE: Check out that shop link at the top of the page.
Our first show of 2025 is coming up — OAX in Orlando! We will be accepting commissions at the same two price points as last year, and a new price point is being added. We can't promise Adam will get through all of the requests; we already have about a dozen at all three prices. But if you ever wanted an AH! commission of your very own, this would be a good chance to request one. Examples are above and you can sign up here!
Right after that we will be on the Comic-Con Cruise. Should be a heck of a good time!
More conventions!
We have NINE shows on our 2025 convention schedule- one of them is an international event. As soon as we get permission from the promoters, we will be announcing those. Included in there will be the make-up shows for both San Diego and NYCC.
I think that's about it- hope everyone is caught up on their holiday shopping and remembering to spread love and cheer this holiday season.